
Showing posts from April 11, 2017


When I lived in the Caribbean, a much bigger species of a millipede ran through my living room when I flipped on the light.  I was able to pin it with the big dog food dish while someone else fetched a glass jar and lid. I could hardly breathe. The beast that day was 5 inches long and 1/2 inch diameter.  Looked like something you'd see in a museum!  Plus they are venomous, like bees!  And one this big, well that's a bite that I was sure I'd not want to experience. The next day, I went to work and shared my life-threatening experience with the ladies I worked with. One asked me if I touched it. WHAT?  ARE YOU CRAZY?  NO! Well, I was told that if I touched it, it would bring me money. I quickly responded, You touch it.  You keep the money! And ever since then, I always think of this story when I see a millipede of any size.  This lil' fella came out to greet me on Sunday.