Meditation, aka yard work

Yard work is my kind of meditation!

Spring time means yard clean-up and prep for a new growing season.  I will gladly be the one in the house to go outside and dig, cut, rake, pile, and dump.

This is WAY more fun than dusting or vacuuming.  And always better than cleaning a toilet!

I can't tell you what I think about while I'm out there, but it's soothing.

I pull weeds individually when I can to avoid using chemicals, aka poison that seeps into our ground water.

I happily pick up more stuff from multiple neighbors when there's room.  My way of saying thanks for their help with the snow in winter.

I'm a bit of a half pint, with a truck-bed full of stuff, got my gloves and hat on.... So what if I can hardly see over the steering wheel!  ok, I'm not that short, LOL....

It's fun to do all this physical work and have a powerful truck to haul it all around, and get me where I need and want to go.

I LOVE driving the truck and confusing the heck out of people.

See, Bertha, as I affectionately call her, is usually bigger than all the other trucks because her original job was to haul horses cross-country.  And when I go back and forth with my "working gloves" on, construction and landscapers don't know what to think.  I see their confused looks from time to time.
And my beloved assistant.
She goes with me on many short trips and journeys.

A day or two of this kind of work is sometimes the only way I can successfully sit at my computer for the other days.
The physical exertion
Connection to the earth
Smell of the dirt, grass, and pine
Tedious detail of pulling each weed with my finger tips
Raking, piling, scooping, raking, scooping
All cleaned up
Visual confirmation of my work
Deep breath of satisfaction and gratitude


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