Meditation, yard work

So.... this is what my weekend looked like... Come Monday morning, my body was exhausted, but my brain was craving more...  Sitting at my desk was pure torture.First weeding, the little annoying pine saplings that litter my lawn.... Yes, I pull each one by hand because I don't want to use chemicals on my lawn.  If you mow them, they only grow back stronger.  You have to remove them by the root.  Don't believe me?  Walk barefoot in my neighbor's lawn....
Then, I headed here to prepare the space for tiger lilies that I scrounged for free on Craigslist.
This area used to have 2 dead cedar stumps, 5 over grown mulberry bushes (2 of which I finally dug up this past weekend) and 6 other green blobs that blossom in fall. And a bunch of other overgrown stuff.   

What remains are iris that need to be moved, and my chives and oregano.  And a very odd shape...

The green blobs were moved here against the house, but this whole area needs to be cleaned up from last year toooooo....

I'll water them later....

And don't get me started on the wooden log edging.... ugh...
It's rotting, falling over, finally, and needs to be replaced...thankfully....

So this used to be the location of a shed.  But the topography of the yard meant flooding every spring that had no where else to go but my basement.... :(  So I dug it up.  But I couldn't lift the pavers. So I piled them.... for the whole summer.  Eventually a dear someone moved them for me.

We filled in some of the space with leftovers from the neighbor's lawn edging cuttings.
But this weekend, we finished filling it in with dirt, and partially filled it in with sod from doing,....

A patio space for the grill, right outside the kitchen, instead of buried in the back of the garage!

Ever lift cement sections of a silo?
They're heavy!

And here are my free hostas!  This part of the yard is almost complete shade all summer....

We did massive feed and seed soil and grass treatment with grand hopes of green.

I hope the hostas will also be happy in their new home. Thank you free section of Craigslist!
I finished transplanting them in the dark.  Mosquitos thought I was the buffet!

And the garbage cans made a dirt spot, so while a certain someone was moving sod for the grill area, I dug this up and put in the mini pavers from what used to be under the shed.

Much nicer....

And here's all the extra dirt... I used the same mini bucket from weeding. Perfect portion because I can carry it with one hand.

Not sure where this will go... just saving it for now....

Well, this area was also driving my nuts and getting in the way of planting the hostas, so UP it came.

Thankfully quite easily!

Anyone need an old rotting wooden square flowerbed edging?

Didn't think so.... It'll find a new home on Wednesday morning when the garbage truck comes...

The sure sign of a successful day in the garden, dirt in my boots.

I had to soak my socks. HA!

And Monday's cruel torture.... enough big raindrops to leave a mark, but nothing else....

I swept the sidewalk of the little particles of soil food only to realize that my shoulders were not quite prepared for another day of hard labor....

After getting that out of my system, I returned to my desk. I reviewed my to do list of "want" and "need" that I made to reward myself, and successfully tackled the CRM and email marketing task that has been haunting me all weekend.

And then finished the evening with a "want", aka a blog post.


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