Meditation with broom tails

I am often asked about how I meditate.
I would comfortably say that I am too restless to just sit and do nothing, I mean meditate.

Being around horses is definitely a luxury.
Horses amaze me with their grace and power.
Horses can scare the shit out of me because I am still learning how to interact with them and understand their behavior.

There are lots of critical tools with keep their hair and nails done.  And you thought humans were bad! Sheesh....
Happy feet, happy horse.

Only organic carrots and apples.
Only after all their work is done.
Only in the grain bin otherwise you teach them to look for treats in your hands or pockets.  Which really means you teach them bad manners because they're always poking around, with their teeth! Yikes!

Spring time means their woolly mammoth coat falls out.
See!!!  This is just from a short time holding our grey while getting one hoof trimmed!

Oh how he loves a rub, and massage from high on his neck along his spine (gentle here though, he's sensitive), and down his rump and leg.
He stretches his neck forward so I don't miss a spot.
He leans into me when I work his hind muscles.
I actually have to brace myself or he'll push me over.

Grooming his thick mane and tail... well... that takes a long time.

And the soft bristle brush on his face... divine.

Now, Mr. Sassy Pants, our Pinto...
"Hurry up. I've got stuff to do! Like run, and trot and snort!
Oh but right there on my neck, ok, I can wait a little for that.
And the soft brush on my forehead.... yeah, I do like that."
"But don't touch my feet!... ok, just hurry up!"

"Is that carrot for me?  Got any more?"

And the eyes, as they look around the arena for anything that is 1/2 inch outta place. And the ears, little antennas for any noise, like a cat, or car, or anything.

And when his eyes soften and he starts to chew while trotting.... that's nirvana.


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