Hunter's accuracy
Wowsers, today's reading was very powerful. I find it particularly interesting because it does not come from a current "self-help" thought leader from the US, but instead a student of Tao and it was published in 1992. The topic is "ACCURACY". The message was kind of standard: Life is short. Make the best of it. BUT, then it pokes us between the eyes and says: WAKE UP! It reminds us that we loose time with each day that passes. That time is really opportunity to take action. It addresses that some people may doubt this desire or need or action. But it reminds us that our well-being and life satisfaction depends on it. It reminds us that "All that matters is accomplishing what you envision with the greatest dispatch. ... [W]e must identify our inner longings to dispatch them with a hunter's accuracy." So, what are your 1 or 2 things that you want to accomplish before you die that require a hunter's accuracy? Maybe it's a bu...
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